The operation is routinely performed under local anesthesia and only in exceptional cases and upon special request by the patient under semi-conscious sedation or general anesthesia. In case of an upper eyelid correction, excess skin will be marked and removed under anesthesia, along with part of the muscle and the fat pads. The operation lasts 30-40 minutes, after which the area will be cooled. After another hour the patient can go home.
The lower eyelid correction is more complex. Here, too, the skin, as well as part of the muscle and fat pads, will be removed very carefully. Additionally, the muscle will be fixed to the outer bone margin in order to avoid a drop of the eyelid. The scar is hardly visible. The stitches will be removed after 7 days. Postoperatively, small adhesive bandages are applied, so that traces of an operation are visible for 7-10 days. Bruising is rare but may occur. This operation results in a bigger, brighter and younger-looking eye.
A rejuvenation of the face is clearly visible.