A rich diet and insufficient exercise lead to obesity in the genetically determined problem zones, particularly on the abdomen and hips. Despite the many different popular diets, so-called “diet-resistant” fat cells often remain in the body, making the problem zones persistently deviate from the norm. For women these problem zones are usually located in the buttocks, hips and thighs, and for men rather in the abdominal region.
A so-called localized obesity can be treated in various ways. Dr. Matejic generally uses thin cannulae the conventional way in all liposuctions. These cannulae do not leave any skin imperfections and enable the surgeon, upon injecting the tumescent solution, to meticulously regulate the amount of fat to be extracted and to esthetically shape the problem zone – a delicate procedure that belongs in the hands of an experienced surgeon.
A generalized obesity is not indicated for liposuction and belongs in a medical office focusing on dietary problems. The maximum amount of fat which can be safely removed is 3,000cc per session. Prior to the procedure, the areas to be suctioned will be marked, upon which small puncture incisions will be made, through which the fat cells will be first dissolved by means of a thin cannula and then suctioned off with a vacuum pump. After the liposuction a firm compression corsage is to be worn for a period of 4-6 weeks in order to avoid severe swelling. Depending on the area to be operated on and the extent of the operation, the procedure is performed either under local or general anesthesia. Smaller liposuctions are performed as an outpatient treatment, more complex ones with one day of in-patient stay. The operation may take from 1 to 3 hours. The body parts suitable for liposuction are: double chin, upper arms, chest (female), chest (male), back, abdomen, hips (saddle bags), flanks (love handles), thighs, inner knees, lower legs, and ankles.